Monday, September 19, 2011

My Radio Saved My LIFE!!

I was leaving my house this morning. I got to the light by my house that takes forever. I was listening to the radio. I looked over and saw the cross walk signal change. This indicates that the red light is going to change in a minute. That's when my radio stopped working! Literally no sound at all. I start pushing buttons. Still nothing. I hit the CD eject button. The CD comes out and goes directly back in. It keeps going in and out. The people behind me start to honk. I grab the CD as it comes back out again. I throw it up on the dash, giving it up as a lost cause. I look up and take my foot off the brake. Just as I am putting my foot on the gas a semi-truck runs the red light right in front of me. This whole series of events happened in a thirty second gap at most. If I would have went right when the light turned green either I or the people behind me would have been hit by that truck. He was going about 40 mph. He never slowed down. Whoever he hit would have died for sure. As I was getting on the on ramp for the highway a minute or two later my radio started blasted out music. I turned it down and said "Thank you" to whoever or whatever saved my life today.

I am a believer in fate. This was not my day to go but it did make me think. Life is too short for fear. It is too short for things left undone and words left unsaid. Bella was still asleep when I left this morning. I did not get to hug her good-bye. Ivy left annoyed this morning because she overslept and I was rushing her around. That could have been it. The last time I saw my children could have been an annoyed half a hug and a whispered "I Love You" to a sleeping toddler. If anything is to ever happen to me I hope they know how much I love them both. I hope they know I would do anything for them. I hope they remember how hard I worked and that I was always there if they needed me. I hope they are happy in life and never let anything hold them back. I hope my life motto's live on in them. The first of which is "Live in the moment. It may be your last." This morning was proof of this. I love you girls with all my heart!

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